Become a Governor

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Become a Governor

The Trust gives notice that it will hold elections to the Council of Governors of the Bolton NHS Foundation Trust.

Elections are to be held for the following positions.

If you require any further information please contact Victoria Crompton, Corporate Governance Manager at

Stand for election as a Governor and help shape our services. We’re looking for people from all kinds of backgrounds to consider putting themselves forward.

If you think you have something to offer, we want to hear from you.

Governors perform a range of statutory and non-statutory duties, including:

  • To appoint, remove and decide upon the terms of office of the Chair and nonexecutive directors of the trust
  • To approve or not approve the appointment of the trust’s chief executive
  • To receive the annual report and accounts and auditor’s report at a general meeting
  • To hold the non-executive directors to account for the performance of the board
  • To represent the interests of members and the public
  • To jointly approve changes to the trust’s constitution with the board
  • To consider a report from the board of directors each year on the use of income from the provision of goods and services from sources other than the NHS in England.

Governors have the power to require one or more directors to attend a meeting to answer questions and the right to receive board agendas before the meeting and minutes asap after the meeting.

There may also be a range of non-statutory duties that governors get involved in and these will vary from trust to trust. These may include getting involved in focus groups, open days, reading panels, patient satisfaction surveys, ward and department visits and much more.

Governors are generally local people who have an interest in healthcare and care about improving their local health services for the good of the whole community and who are keen to develop stronger links between the trust and the community it serves.

They would also need to:

  • recognise that a health service is complex with many issues to address to ensure its smooth running and be able to operate effectively at this level
  • be able to put the needs of the community above personal preference
  • be keen to understand and be able to champion the needs of the local community
  • actively listen and value the contributions of different people
  • welcome and support fellow governors from minority groups which are traditionally under-represented
  • be enthusiastic and committed and want to work as part of a cohesive team
  • be able to ask questions in a constructive, not a confrontational, manner
  • be willing to read relevant documents and papers, attend relevant meetings.

Typically, there are between 18 and 35 governors on a Council of Governors, made up of elected public governors, elected staff governors and appointed (or stakeholder or partner) governors with the elected public governors forming the majority.

The Council of Governors meets four times a year. However, governors will need to meet more than this. For example, there may be sub-committees and groups that some governors lead or take part in, meetings with the board of directors, visits and governor training events. This is particularly so for new governors.

You should expect between four and 12 meetings per year although some governors tell us that they get involved in many more. It can be as busy as you want it to be.

Before making your decision to stand for election, you should consider whether you will have the time to undertake the role.

Governors are required to comply with the Trust’s standards of business conduct and to declare interests that are relevant and material to the Council.

All Governors declared such interests on appointment to the Council of Governors.

The Register of Interests is available for inspection by members of the public.

Becoming a governor with Bolton NHS Foundation Trust is a voluntary role so you will not be paid although reasonable agreed expenses will be reimbursed by the trust.

If you’re ready to get involved, you can find out more about being a governor with Bolton NHS Foundation Trust by contacting the Trust Secretary on 01204 390 654.

The Council of Governors meets in public a minimum of four times a year.  Additional meetings can be called by the Chairman or the Trust Secretary or by ten governors giving notice to the Trust Secretary that they wish a meeting to be called where a minimum of 14 days notice is given for all meetings other than in an emergency.

Trust members are welcome to attend Council of Governors’ meetings and listen to how the Trust is developing its services.

Please contact Trust Headquarters on 01204 390654 or email in advance if you are planning to attend.

More information about our governors

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