Visiting arrangements

Visiting arrangements

We’re pleased to allow open visiting for people to see their loved ones whilst they are staying at Royal Bolton Hospital.

While there are no restrictions, we encourage visiting to happen between 10am and 7pm to allow patients to rest.

Visiting can take place outside of these times, but it should be discussed in advance with a member of the ward team.

We ask that visitors continue to take reasonable precautions to keep everyone safe. Please do not visit if you are unwell – in particular with signs or symptoms of respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19 or flu, diarrhoea and vomiting or other infectious illnesses.

For details of visiting in our maternity department please see our Maternity page.

We also have special arrangements in place for parents and guardians whose child is staying in hospital overnight. For more details, please visit our Acute Paediatrics page.

Having family members or friends in hospital can be worrying so enquiries about patients can be made 24 hours a day by ringing 01204 390812.

Staff on this main reception line can tell you which ward a patient is on and put you through to the ward.

If several people need to know about a patient, it can be helpful to the hospital if just one person rings for the information, but staff are always there to help patients and visitors with any worries.

We have signed up to the John’s Campaign allowing open visiting times for relatives and carers of patients with dementia.

John's Campaign

John’s Campaign was started by the Nicci Gerrard, the daughter of Dr John Gerrard, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in his mid-seventies, and Julia Jones, whose mother June Jones had a similar experience. Dr Gerrard’s experience was the catalyst for this campaign known as ‘stay with me’ to allow open visiting for family and carers to be there to support their loved ones during their stay.

We have dedicated teams of highly skilled nurses, doctors and allied healthcare professionals providing patients with dementia with specialised care. Carers are welcomed onto the ward and made to feel valued and respected as carers caring for their loved one living with Dementia.

While they visit the hospital, they are encouraged to participate in any care delivery or therapy sessions that they and the patients choose. We have overnight hygiene bags and fold down beds, if carers need to stay overnight.

The trust accepts that many patients and families want this and that patients benefit from the support of their loved ones whilst in hospital.

To find out more about John’s campaign visit

When preparing for a visit to hospital, please try to avoid bringing any valuables such as jewellery or large amounts of money.

If you do bring valuables, they will be advised to hand them to staff for safekeeping, where they will be handed a receipt, or to leave them with a friend or relative to take home.

Our hospital site is completely smokefree, and you will be asked to stop smoking. Around many of our entrances are the wards caring for some of our most vulnerable patients; our children’s ward, our maternity unit, and patients recovering from surgery. Please help us to keep them safe by not smoking around them.

We know how challenging it can be to quit smoking, but with such significant risks to your health from smoking, we want to do everything we can to support you to quit.

We provide all patients in hospital with access to smoking cessation support so that it doesn’t add to the pressures of being unwell in hospital, through our specialist CURE team. Please ask the nurse in charge of your care to refer you.

If you’re visiting someone in hospital, please do not smoke on site. If you’re looking for support to quit smoking in Bolton, please visit Let’s Keep Bolton Moving for support in the community.

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