While You Wait

While You Wait

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant some operations and procedures have been postponed, leading to understandable concern for those waiting.

We are here for you and working hard with our partners to get you the care you need as soon as possible.

If you (or someone you care for) are waiting on delayed medical care, you are likely to have concerns and questions.

Finding information and advice

The NHS in Greater Manchester has valuable information and advice to help you manage your physical and mental wellbeing while waiting for hospital care.

The While You Wait site includes helpful details about accessing financial help and other local support whilst you wait.

It can also help you to prepare for your appointment/operation, including how to make a plan for your care and treatment alongside your healthcare professional.

You can find out more at whileyouwait.org.uk

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Waiting times

Patients on the waiting list for NHS care are also able to access support and check average wait times at their local hospital for the specialist area they need treatment in.

Hospital appointments and waiting lists are looked after by each hospital department. Waiting times will depend on what treatment you are waiting for and your individual needs.

Support from your community

There’s a large range of community services for Bolton patients.

Bolton has many services to help people look after their mind and body.

This includes help and support to quit smoking, lose weight, get active, manage drug or alcohol problems, and look after your emotional health and wellbeing.

You can access this in a variety of ways such as self-help, online, telephone helplines and face-to-face support with a health professional.

24/7 helpline

Free 24/7 helpline for people in Bolton if you feel your mental health is beginning to suffer.

Age UK Bolton

Activities, events, support and advice for people aged over 50 who live in Bolton.

Adult Social Care Early Intervention Team

Undertakes an initial assessment of anyone who needs adult social care; provides short term support and directs people to services and other agencies as required. If a formal assessment is needed under the Care Act, the team will redirect to the appropriate district social work team.

Telephone 01204337860 or email EIT.Team@bolton.gov.uk


Bolton-based community mental health service.

Bolton Carers Support

Support for people who look after a relative, partner or friend of any age who needs help due to a physical or mental illness or disability, frailty or an addiction

Carers 24 hour Helpline: 01204 363056

Bolton Community and Voluntary Services (CVS)

Find social groups and community activities near you.

Tel: 01204 546010

Let’s Keep Bolton Moving

Let’s Keep Bolton Moving promotes hundreds of free and low cost Health, Physical Activity & Wellbeing activities by local area in Bolton, as well as advice on mental health, lifestyle changes & local volunteering opportunities.

Bolton Dementia Support

Support for people diagnosed with any form of dementia and their carers.

Bolton Mental Health Independent Support Team

Provides self-help groups, advocacy and talking therapy.

Bolton Samaritans

Listens to and supports people and communities in times of need. Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis; it also gives people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others.

Bolton Talking Therapies

Bolton Talking Therapies provides free, confidential talking therapies for adults aged 16 years and over. They can work with you to help address a range of problems that you might be experiencing, including depression, anxiety, OCD and phobias.

Citizens Advice Bury & Bolton

Provides free, confidential, independent and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.

Greater Manchester Mental Health

Useful contacts if you need to speak to someone on a range of topics.

Healthwatch Bolton

Independent champion for people who use health and social care services. Also provides general advice, help finding a service and help making a complaint.

Email: info@healthwatchbolton.co.uk

St George’s Day Centre

Provides a counselling service and activities such as arts, crafts, drama, music and aerobics.

Bolton Care and Repair

Advice and assistance on home improvements and adaptations to help people maintain their independence and live in comfort in their own home.

Bolton Humanitarian Hub

Covid-19 support hub and helpline for people who need support (including food and essential items such as medication).

Call 01204 337221 Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm, and Saturdays 9am to 1.30pm.

Support for children and young people and their parents/carers.

Be kind to my mind

A website designed by young people in Bolton for young people.

Bolton Together and iTHRIVE

Emotional health and wellbeing support for children and young people.


Online mental wellbeing support for young people aged 11 to 25 in Bolton.


Online support for parents aged 26 and over in Bolton who are concerned about their child’s wellbeing. Parents under 26 can access the same support from Kooth.

Your GP won’t be able to help you get seen any quicker as your GP does not have access to hospital appointment or waiting list systems.

If you need to change or cancel an outpatient appointment with Bolton NHS Foundation Trust please contact the Telephone Access Centre.

  • By email: TAC@boltonft.nhs.uk
  • By phone: 01204 390400 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 7.30pm, and Saturday 8.30am to 1pm)

If you do not attend your agreed appointment, without first letting them know, you are likely to be discharged back to your GP.

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