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Our Services

Speech and Language Therapy

Our Speech and Language Therapy service is comprised of multiple teams who see adults and children with a range of communication and swallowing difficulties.

Speech and Language Therapy for Children

Our purpose is to empower others to effect change for children with speech, language, communication and feeding needs.

The Speech and Language Therapy Service will assess, diagnose and develop an individualised programme of care to maximise the communication potential of the children and young people referred to them and under their care.

The work involves direct contact with children and young people with communication difficulties as well as their carers and other key people in their lives. Therapists also support children and young people with swallowing, eating and drinking difficulties.

Speech and Language Therapy for Adults

The team works with inpatients and patients in the community with a wide range of conditions, including stroke, head injuries, dementia, progressive and degenerative conditions and head and neck cancer.

Our friendly team is made up of therapists, therapy assistants and administrative staff. We are based at Royal Bolton Hospital (Acute Team), Lever Chambers (Community Team) and Crompton Health Centre (Community Stroke Team).

Service locations

Breightmet Health Centre

Crompton Health Centre

Lever Chambers Centre for Health

Royal Bolton Hospital

Therapists work out in the community at family homes, schools, nurseries, health clinics and children’s centres.

Key contact numbers

Children's Speech and Language Therapy

Tel: 01204 462670

Adult Inpatient Team

Tel: 01204 390603

Adult Community/Voice Team

Tel: 01204 463210
