How we work with our partners

How we work with our partners

Our mission, with our partners, is to improve health and secure high-quality healthcare for the people of Bolton, now and for future generations.

In Bolton, we are working together as one team to make improvements for our local people.

Over the next 5 years, we want to make sure that health and care services are they best they can possibly be and we know we can’t do that without listening to what matters most to you and your loved ones.

During recent years, we’ve changed the way we are working across our organisations, to do what’s right for our local communities.

Together, we call ourselves the Bolton Health and Care Partnership, which is a commitment to working closely, understanding our own pieces of the puzzle, and working together to solve problems.

As a partnership, we’ve been working on our priorities and areas of focus, based on the data we have and what our teams see on a regular basis.

Our top priorities across Bolton are:
  • Reducing unfair differences in health
  • Supporting connections in our communities
  • Helping Bolton residents to live well
  • Giving our children every chance to succeed
  • Making the best use of our resources
  • Investing in our current staff and opening doors for future generations

Last year, we visited community groups, public spaces and meetings across the town, as well as sharing an online survey, so that we could understand more about what you, the people of Bolton, needed from health and care services.

Your views help to form our plans, and have influenced the priorities we have set in the Bolton Locality Plan, which you can find here..

As part of our commitment to working with our communities to provide services that are right for you, we will continue to find opportunities to come and talk to you about what matters most.

Please get in touch with us via email at if you want to share your views, or if there is anything we can do to understand more about what is important to you.

More information about our partners

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